About Me

Hi! My name is Luke Gleeson and I am a Software Engineer from Dublin, Ireland. I have experience in the telecommunications and financial technologies sectors both as a software developer and as a team lead.

My initial studies were in Electronic Engineering in which I have a Bachelor's of Engineering before completing a Master's of Science in Applied Software Engineering. My main technologies which I would be proficient in are Java (with an emphasis on Springboot & JPA), Docker, Kubernetes, Spock (Groovy), Python for data science, Kafka and database technologies using SQL (PostGreSQL, MySQL).

I started my software career in 2021 working in Ericsson Software Technology, which is Ericsson's open source subsidiary. My work there was on the Configuration Persistence Service (CPS) Project which is an open source project under the Open Network Automation Platform and because it is open source, I'm free to talk about it extensively! This project is focused on persisting data defined by YANG models. YANG is a data modelling language which is used in telecommunications use cases and defined by IETF. CPS could ingest YANG models and provide both telecommunications focused and generic CRUD REST APIs for data manipulation.
I spent my first year as a grad in the project before being made technical team lead of the external contributors to the project. The team on the Ericsson side then expanded and I was made technical team lead of the second team of 5 developers.

In 2023 I left Ericsson to join the fintech Broadridge working on their Navigator project. Navigator is an end-to-end securities-based lending platform.

In January 2025 I will have emigrated to Melbourne.

This website is hosted using a Virtual Private Server (VPS) running Ubuntu as the operating system and currently using Docker as the deployment tool with a plan to implement Kubernetes for deployment management in the future. I'm using Ghost to display this blog site.

I enjoy sailing, cycling, rugby and running. I plan on using this site as a portfolio as well as to publish some helpful guides on development setup. Thanks for visiting!